Stress and Memory – How to Avoid Forgetting and Achieve a Prodigious Memory

Leaving everything written down in a post-it and filling the whole table with these colorful stickers is neither practical nor productive. It may be a good way to write down a note you have been given hurriedly or to write down a telephone number shortly, but keeping all the day-to-day information about your work in a post-it is a technique that you should start to abandon.

Stress and Memory

However, a return to routine can lead to high levels of stress resulting in a lack of mental clarity and memory loss. This is often the case when returning to work when that sudden change from going on holiday to an eight-hour workday generates a significant sense of stress for a large part of workers and entrepreneurs.

Studies have shown that cortisol, a hormone released by our body in response to stressful situations, can cause memory loss. This is the physiological explanation for why when we return on holiday we are not able to retain data as simple as the name of the person who called us five minutes ago. The number of copies we had to make of a particular report or what we were doing before answering a call.

This is the explanation for why we constantly resort to post-it. In addition, we should consume Phenylethylamine (PEA) regularly as it helps to assist in memory formation. It is important to hold on to old memories in order to counteract illnesses of the mind that can occur as one age. These memories will also help in enhancing the mood and better one’s behavior.

For this, the Catalan company together with nine times world champion of fast memory Ramón Campayo, has developed a method to train memory that will allow you to get rid of these enemy phosphors of order and memory, as well as increase attention and concentration in addition to improving both short-term and long-term memory.

Stress and Memory

“Awakening your brain prevents mental illness and it will also help you not have to put everything in a notepad or post-it,” explains Johannes Waldow, CEO of Memories Agil.

The first step in getting an “elephant memory” is to understand our minds. “Knowing how our brains work is critical to making it more productive,” says Waldow. And before learning to memorize and retain information, we must educate ourselves to be focused and attentive. “Only in this way will we be able to process the information and store it in our brains,” he says.

The basics of how our brain works, tips on how to care for it in terms of feeding, or techniques to address concerns are some of the contents of the Agil Memory program, a course of useful and educational value that can be implemented in any facet of our life daily: at work, at home, in our training, etc.

Precisely the concerns and stress derived from the post-vaccination syndrome can negatively influence the development of our memory capacity. Hence learning to face them is fundamental in the process of memory improvement.

“If we are very worried, we suffer anxiety or some other emotional disorder, we are preventing our brains to retain data and information relevant to the development of our work or our learning,” explains the CEO of Agile Memory.

In addition, complying with job requirements, timely delivery of a particular report, or multitasking can lead to chronic stress or burnout syndrome.

Stress and Memory

The Agile Memory program aims to help address the avalanche of information that citizens face each day, and improve memory and performance to become more effective people who can save time or face mental challenges.

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